Russia, having entered in third thousand years again, as it already was at the end of the last centuries,
faces to difficult deciding choice.That today occurs in Russia - it not simply national genocide and
mockery at advantage of the Russians and honour of the state Russian, but manifestation of a maximum degree of
national treachery, contempt to a history of Russia, devil-may-care attitude to interests of its citizens and
amateurishness in ruling the country. Eventually, country has appeared ideologically unspiritual.
The twentieth century has brought on bayonets to the Russians constant evil, violence and great communist
fraud being unrealizable dream of lazy people. The numerous talks about any special socialism had only ground to
darken brains of trustful voters. All socialisms are already tried and are thrown out by the life on a dump of a
world history. On Earth there is a unique method of allocation of products on justice it is a method of
allocation of products with the help of a market competitiveness.
Many Russians on inertia continue to trust modern communists, changed clothes in the sheep skin, and to this day anything and not understood. Certainly, the idea of socialism is magnificent, impudent and is noble, as it is grounded on call-up to equality. But there can be no equality between sacred and criminal, patriot and traitor, honest person and a thief, and therefore communist equality is a maximum degree of the breach of justice and, thus - “ We have no right to throw socialism to the side, we should confute it, if we want to rescue the world from barbarity ”.
The revival of Great Russia for worthy life plundered, became beggar, wretched Russians is possible only on the basis uncontrolled economic on the sacred right of a private property of each Russian in city and countryside. The new national idea is necessary for realization of this main task, around of which it would be possible to unite the Russian society.
But the ideology is born by a nation in the process of its evolutionary development. Therefore we invoke for human reason, humanity, realism and practicality, namely - taking into account the Russian national traditions and interests of the citizens to address principles of conservatism being today one of the carrying on ideologies which have made many nations and states powerful, prospering and providing people of work, all citizens worthy life. Main values of Conservatism are: the Person, Family, Health, Education, Science, Culture, Human right, Private property.
The main principles of ideology of conservatism are concluded in the following:
1. the human right and the Personalities are inviolable. It is necessary to rebuild a pyramid of the social structure from “State - Society-Family-Person” to “Person - Family - Society - State”;
2. the installation of validity, as a guarantee of the society, in which dominates respect for other people, their property and safety.The Law rules, instead of people;
3. the prospering society can be created only through strengthening the economic freedom of the commodity producer, strong middle class, private, collective and state ownership;
4. the publicity in the society is provided with all accessible resources;
5. strengthening of national traditions and institutes: development of culture, educatoin, science, public health services, saving of the nature;
6. all institutes of the legislative and the executive authorities the solutions accept from positions of creation of civil society and equality of all citizens before the Law.
The ideology of conservatism becomes the lien and warranty of a unification of a nation, development of the economy of Russia in interests of its citizens.
The Conservatives are for uniform, stable and prospering Russia!
Moscow,August 07, 2001
Secretary "Of a Conservative Party of Russia" |