Formation and construction of Conservative Party after destruction of totalitarian system proceeded and proceeds from:
Needs of the society for a reorganization on the basis of democracy and social validity;
From the requirements to realization of the morally justified policy and state practice;
From necessity to lean on moral traditions of the people, spiritual values and on a recognition of human advantage for creation of the really humane, free state with socially fair economy.
The Conservative Party proceeds from a principle of service to Russia, instead of separate groups and layers of a society, therefore it is a party for all people - and it is why it differ from other parties of Russia. We do not put borders neither on social, nor on age, to sexual attributes, only moral service to revival of Russia, high professionalism and nonactiveness in unlawful activity.
We, as a Conservative Party, stand for respect and preservation of all best traditions, moral values and unique spiritual originality of all peoples of Russia and culture, created by them. We support historically usual, traditional religious confessions in territory of Russia. We recognize their indissoluble connection with a history of our people and Russian state. We call them for wide cooperation, first of all, in business revival of spiritual health of a nation, restoration and improvement of family traditions, formation of more perfect system of education and care.
We stand on protection of national interests of Russia. The national interest of Russia can not be any by other, as for all peopke, spiritual, socially fair and territorial. Russia was under construction and lived by centuries as the uniform and unitary state. In the Soviet time the principle of federal state was proclaimed which was carried out formally and is perverted. The Conservative Party proceeds from understanding of Russia, as uniform organism. All peoples occupying it, make a single unit connected by blood, common history, culture and economy. Russia for all - one Fatherland. Therefore question on the state device should not be solved formally, according to any was the doctrines, and should correspond to real interests of the people of Russia and feeling of validity.
The Conservative Party acts, that the state authority was carried out honour, patriotically by the adjusted people capable and wishing to accept responsibility the decisions and their consequence. We consider, that the state should not evade from a supervising and directing role in sphere of social protection and economic development. The basic cares of the state were and remain: national safety, social insurance and care, system of education, science, culture and public health services. The purpose of the state is also support all best, talented and worthy, maintenance of legal guarantees to the citizens of Russia inside the country and abroad.
Russia has national interests, and these interests first of all are inside of the country, instead of abroad. there it should adhere to principles of non-interference in internal businesses, good neighbourhood and cooperation. Cooperation, instead of purchase of political loyalty at the expense of material resources earned by work and self-renunciation of the Russian people. The expansion of territories - not is national interest of the people of Russia, but also complete interest in questions of feedback of real Russian grounds to the next states - nor correspond to any international rules of law and interests of the Russian people. Anybody, any chief, any department can not solve questions of the territorial device, - only by asking all peopke, after detailed discussion in press, estimations of the experts and professionals. We have first of all internal tasks and they should priority be especial in this difficult period of the next catastrophic distruction of the state, law, science, culture, education and economy.
Russia requires the transformation in a conducting layer, in the citizens from all social groups and layers, but its the spiritual elite is not and should not be closed to the people, and also hereditary or hereditary estate. It is an old Russian principle, old Russian idea. A spiritual charge and feeling of the responsibility should put forward of the man on the first places irrespective of a family tree.
We distinguish multiethnic national Russia from antinational, destructive for national unity, economy and culture of the totalitarian state. We remember as well that all successes of this state were created not due to its morally decomposing ideology, and contrary to it, its power and the successes were a merit of the people which has stayed devoted country, professional and family duty, and which has not refused traditions of ancestors. We can not forget and can not justify those lawlessnesses and that terrible hatred to the people, which spread by blood and famine , greedy for authority party of bolsheviks. We can condemn, however, we call not for civil war and prosecutions, and for condemnation of vicious practice and we call to resolute failure from it. The refusal of violence is not failure of condemnation on the basis of morals and right.
We against of communist appeal to equality, we are for social validity. Because the equal relation to all - is that other, as a maximum degree of injustice. Anywhere and never was of real equality between sacred and criminal, patriot and traitor, honour man and a thief, between the defence counsel of fatherland and the one who extorts bribes from the illiterate woman, takes away an apartment in the orphan or uses trust helpless. Such equality, for which the formal, declarative democracy - not calls there is a validity, and its violation. The people, which has lost distinction between goods and evil, and also has lost will to promote first and to struggle with last will get nothihg and all best people of the country on humiliations, plunder, and culture on derision of a different sort of the villains and peiple who destroy.
Russia should revive as a state of creators.
The Conservative Party proceeds from a recognition of necessity of the transitive period. The transitive period from rigidly authoritarian management of economy to market model of economy. We want to go towards to market economy, which has nothing common with the slogans of liberalism. We are involved not with free market economy of a liberal piracy of the past epoch, and socially focused economy, which revives the importance of a separately taken individual, the highest thing is the value of the person and social defence of the invalid citizens . The formation of the national income is indissolubly connected to economic commodity manufacture. Absolutely antinational is the policy directed on a suffocation of the own manufacturer, stimulation of import of the poor-quality goods and morally worn out equipment, on artificial stimulation of speculative economy , that has resulted in unreasonable inflating of the bank capital at almost zero or negative balance of the industrial capital in all branches, except for obtaining. It puts irreparable material damage to economy destroying industrial sphere, but more terrible - moral damage of a nation and its young forces, which have not tested taste from creative work giving besides worthy material compensation. The socially focused economy should create conditions, which will allow the citizens honourly to work in any spheres and areas of public activity and to receive for the work the compensation, appropriate to a worthy standard of living. The free competition (as stimulus also measured of efficiency) assumes the free market with free prise making. However for the objective reasons these mechanisms can not work in our economy at once, the transitive period of revival of economy and its structural reorganization is necessary for this purpose which while was carried out in very adverse for us a direction - transformation of Russia in obtaining, raw country. Such structural reorganization can not arrange us. Modern capitalist economy use separate methods of regulation and planning. Moreover, only provided that the state incurs the responsibility to watch, that neither public privileges, nor the artificial monopolies would not break balance of economic forces, only then is possible valid high economic . The Conservative Party negatively concerns to authoritarian management of economy, but it can not justify unattended getting of material riches of the country. Nobody has the rights to appropriate to itself what not by him was earned, take of the means in foreign banks or to invest a foreign industry. The export of the capital is possible only there, where it is honourly earned and where the owner can prove it through the control of financial inspection, that all necessary taxes, including, in funds of social insurance, amortization, ecological protection, public health services, help were deducted at acts of nature. All this will be fair and pertinent only then, when the tax reform and reform of legal system will be carried out. Which purpose to create conditions allowing to stimulate an industry and the own manufacturer.
The prime task is to consider as well a question on the village manufacturer and ground. Not good , from our point of view, will be violent distruction of the usual and settled forms of country managing. The man living and working on ground should have the right of a choice whether work to it in a collective farm or on own ground. But the peasant should have the right to receive ground in a private property , but without the right of sale for other purposes, except for agricultural cultivation. Of the Earth the ground banks should dispose and determine the taxes. In Russia there is an experience of ground reform, developed by Stolupin, which cannot be ignored, the experience of its realizations saved by people is especial. We should struggle for each workplace, restore and create new manufactures and branches. By this we shall struggle for a survival of the own people, instead of to support its apathy, drunkenness and moral decomposition .The work should remain main idea of advantage and well-being of the people. The Conservative Party as wide all national union hopes for support and active participation of all honour citizens of Russia in business of its revival.