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"The Russian voter ", 03.12.99.

"All are equal before the law and court"
(Item 19 Constitutions of Russia)
"All animals are equal, but someare more equal than other"
(G. Oruell, " a Cattle court yard ")

Interview of Lev Ubozhko to the writer,
author of the story
"Blood of Stolupin" Rudolf Ivanov

R.I. - Lev Grigorjevich, than differs of conservatism from communism?

L.G. - In December, 1999 personally I consider, that the destiny of Russia will be decided, as the election returns in State Duma expose political arrangement of our company, having proved true, that " each people is вignant of the government ". If the people will elect communist Duma, country will appear before a choice: or again to return to a bloody bog of the communist fraud, or the government should show resoluteness and stop forces of obscurantism and lie - other is not given. Such item at once will be accepted in bayonets by communists - orthodoxes and jingoists. All tragedy of ours politically inert people, consists that for years of the criminal Soviet authority which has destroyed about hundred millions the compatriots, and at stayed in alive it has beaten out brains and has finished them before state empty aches from eternal undereating, having transformed them in the slaves and . Till now majority of the people and has not understood, that in the essence of communism is incorporated utopic, violence and poverty, as on the first place of a pyramid of the social structure there is a state, and the people live for the sake of it, that is device of the officers, on which they and work. The officers from an authority only distribute that is created by the people. In the program of the block "Fatherland" is written: " to work on , and to distribute on socialist ". Thus, the nomenclature by nothing differs from of the communists and patriots. The communists continue to tell the fairy tales. The strengthening of regions at a weak central authority will result in a complete disorder of Russia on the separate principalities.

What such of communism? In 1881 In. Dal` in the Russian dictionary, created by it wrote: " of communism - political doctrine about equality of states, generality of possession and about the common right on another's property ". So, one will work hard, and other will live free at their expense. The mechanism of creation of this barbarous state at the communists was served with violence. In the Manifest of the communists was professed: " the communists consider business not wright to hide the sights and intents... Their purposes can be achieved only by violent disproof of all existing social system " Zuganov on all crossroads shouts: " Lenin -is a great person ". Zuganov is wright. Yes, Lenin -is a great villain, tyrant, lier and assassin! A familiar expression of Lenin: " Let ninety percents of Russian people will be lost, if only ten percents have lived up to world revolution (" Red terror in Russia ",) Was a general line of bolsheviks on destruction of the own people ". The nonsense of the leader of world proletariat is expressed by a phrase: " All company will be one office and one factory with equality of work and equality of the payment " . Such could utter only uttermost an idiot.

The practice of construction of socialism in USSR completely has confirmed theoretical postulates of the red adventurers. On change of one tyrant other has come, which nowadays attempts to rehabilitate his grandson, J.Dzhugashvili from the selective block " the Stalin block - behind USSR ". For him the grandfather, naturally, is more dear than life of tens millions Russians repressed and destroyed in the war, untied by two maniacs -Stalin and Gitler. The Soviet people defended the native land with a name of Stalin, at all not understanding, that he defended the slavery, concentration camp and eternal poverty. Many till now and have not begun to see clearly and continue to trust in communist lie of the red leaders dreaming of an authority and a revenge.

And what such of conservatism? It is progressive ideology, where on the first place - Person and Family. The state should work per capita. In many forward countries of the world at an authority the conservatives stand. The bolsheviks all time lied, that of conservatism is become obsolete, old. In the dictionary of Dal` is written: " the conservative - the saver, who does the present order of businesses ". Conservatism is a preservation all alive. In the Declaration " of Conservative movement of Russia " our values and principles are reflected. Basically, we maintain and we assert interests of the proprietors and commodity producers. The destiny of all people depends on it. The candidates in the deputies of state duma distribute on the left and to the right illusionary promises, which in general are impracticable, as, not having replaced ideology lie also of violence on ideology of reason and freedom and not having liquidated System of bolshevics, imposed to the Russians on bayonets, we shall not move anywhere and we shall be going round on one place, damning, Americans, persons of the Caucasian nationality, not having realized thus, that in all are guilty. It is necessary honestly to tell itself, that we have turned to a nation of huge quantity of fools, drunkards, and thieves. It is a fond of genes of a human material, which selected bolsheviks since the seventeenth year.

R.I. -Lev Grigorjevich, in what the reason of crisis of an authority and how from this to leave?

L.G. - All is explained rather simply. When has failed bolshevists firm bastion, the authority has passed in hands of the worthless theorists, which send from the same Stalin overcoat.Napoleon spoke, that " the revolution is conceived by the heroes, the fools do, and use fruits ". The similar case has taken place and in Russia in 1991. On a democratic wave awaked there is a lot of foam by the way fools with the large charge of ambitions. Besides, communists have not forced to accept a repentance for the numerous crimes and have not forbidden them as criminal organization, they fast, having recovered from a shock, transmit to a counteroffensive against the democracy. And you see they had communications and money. The short-sighted policy of the President of Russia and its encirclement fast has strengthened items of the communists in all regions of country. Besides, someone said to the President to unleash war against the own people in Chechnja. Thus, the negative balance against democracy (here both wrong privatization accrued, and the sabotage of the nomenclature on places and at centre, and absence of the normal fiscal policy etc. etc.), resulted to turn of sympathies of the people again to the so-called updated communists (with the human person), and is more correct - to " ordinary bolshevism ". Zuganov and similar dexterously used all mistakes and miscalculations of the laymans of policy, declaring, that for democracy in Russia there is no ground in connection with the special qualities of Russian people.

The external policy qualitatively did not differ from internal. Not clearly, for what purpose the management of country has taken the special item concerning Yugoslavia. All civilized world required from Miloshevich of the termination of genocide against the Albanian population in Kosovo, but he, carrying out a nationalistic rate, has disorganized all Yugoslavia for ten years of the board. Looking back on Russia, Miloshevich with persistence of the provocateur stood on, not understanding, that poor Russia hardly will help to him. The jingoists shoed the weapon, having overlooked only small detail: the military budget was equal Russia to two billions dollars, and in NATO - one billion, that is in five hundred times more. Was terminated by that, as well as should be: Kosovo is lost for Yugoslavia finally, the Serbian people after rout of economy has begun to see clearly and now requires Miloshevich to be cleaned. In this situation it is necessary to remind to all fans to play by muscles a history of rise of the first world war. A rigid item has taken the chapter of the Russian government Stolupin in the spring of 1909, when Europe was on the eve of war in connection with events in Bosnia and Herzegovina. he declared: " While I at an authority, shall do everything, that in forces human to not admit Russia before war, program giving to it internal improvement yet is not carried out wholly. We can not shou with an external enemy, most malicious internal enemies (bolsheviks ) greatness of Russia yet are not destroyed. While the agrarian reform will not be conducted, they will be valid, while they exist, they never will miss of any convenient case for destruction of power of our Native land, whether and more favorable conditions can be created, than war? "

What all was completed by? Stolupin the bolsheviks - terrorists in 1911 have killed, Russia has entered on a track of war, having destroyed the economy, as has resulted in grab of an authority by the barbarians. Having caused Lenin, Russia has caused Gitler, Europe understood it. The successor Lenin became Stalin and the history of mankind fast has come nearer to general tragedy. How we see, the strong personality does a history, naturally, what? - either tyrant, or democrat. I remind this history to all communists and jingoists and I set by him a question: where you, comrades, push Russia, on what next war? I for you answer: in muddy water it is easy to get a fish, that is to reach an authority. Zuganov is open declares: " we, having come to an authority, shall take away all at rich and we shall distribute poor ". The history repeats. Many are far from understanding of approaching accident. In due course Gegel spoke: " But experience and history learn, that the peoples and governments never have learned nothing from a history and did not act according to lessons, which of it could be taken ".

December 19 fast comes nearer also to our President the dream about qualitatively new Duma dreams. To me only one is not clear: how in Duma the professionals - lawyers will get, the economists, journalists (in parliaments of all world up to ninety percents is of the lawyers, instead of the business managers, which us are recommended by the comrade Luzhkov. For himd ream: everywhere and in all the business managers, should administer? You see at the Russian intelligency is not present neither money, nor authority. That so-called voters has learned(found out) about new policies, it is necessary them to demonstrate on TV, that is to untwist, but what method? You see one minute of a broadcasting time on a CROSS-CUT costs of 40 thousand dollars. Mad money have only large thieves, yes what are ""conducted" with authorities both at centre, and on places. They are not necessary, as to "another's" authorities . To the voters every day think in brains: Under the novel about choices crime will not admit to an authority. And how to distinguish this crime? There is a proverb: " the thief always shouts: keep the thief! ". With crime from the people all the same it is easy to understand, and here is how to be with crime from authority (law-enforcement agencies), which should ostensibly enforce the law? Who has no any concept, that such Russian inquest and justice, is better and to not know. Such people simply were born in a shirt. Personally I have richest experience of contact with these bodies. In Russia dangerously be an intelligent person, as in Russia they are not respected. Still Griboedov about it wrote in " to a Mountain, from mind ". And Dostoevski more clearly clear was expressed: " to succeed in Russia on a public service, it is necessary to have some limitation of mind ". Of it me once have reminded and have recommended " to make a fool, differently me anybody and never will understand ". So, first my campaign against of bolshevism was completed by 17-year's term of deprivation of liberty. For nothing my mum from childhood learned me " be put out, be as everything, that is not be the personality, and be the coward , being kept of general herd ". In 1987 thanking to Gorbachev to reorganization me, at last, have manufactured on "freedom" together with other dissidents , not having changed the principles, at once have rushed in chipping for democracy, but was here shoked the pseudo-democrats, among which there was a set of the careerists - villains. Having received from policy on teeth, I have decided to attend layer activity and, having a number of the special qualities, on this field has succeeded, having released 47 persons innocent, on fabricated businesses. For many years of my struggle with a criminal authority I was convinced: around there is a deaf wall. In huge scale the destiny of the simple people is decided with the judges, public prosecutors, inspectors. Justice the people can not achieve, as the frankpledge everywhere prospers. The laws in general "do not work". Decide all money and communications The advocacy is not present, to the attorneys nobody listens. In the prison of the persons on remand make Tortures also intimidate (up to 80 percents), causing them itself to stipulate. In Russia since 1917 there is a criminal System!

And again about dream of the President of qualitatively new Duma. I shall remind you, mister the President, about your confidential instruction sounded by your former friend - by the colleague Korzhakov, from April 12, 1996, when you promptly struggled for the second term of the presidency. In item 4.2. is told: " a Separation of the opponents from the sources of finance and information channels ". Dear President, what image in an authority the new, fresh, competent people will come by, if they do not have money to purchase MASS-MEDIA, and authority them don`t let it? Can at you, mister the President, is a secret? Please, inform with me.

Let's look now: who is torn in Duma? What stuffing 28 selective blocks and associations? Continuous - communist, only with shades from bright red colour up to light pink colour. The frank anticommunists are only we, " Conservative movement of Russia ", and " the Block Zhirinovski ".

political structures "Bear" will be lucky by such as a little, and leaders there - not professional policies. OHR in general nothing shines. Near them the Union of the right forces " has left and ", which leaders the people does not transfer (Kirienko, Nemchov, Gajdar etc.). The accident fast comes nearer! The normal people still have last chance.

R.I.- Lev Grigorjevich what to do in such gloomy situation, which you to me have depicted?

L.G. - First of all to not admit victory of the communists! One passer - by during shootings film about me has told: " I most of all in life am afraid of a crawfish, heart attack and communism ". It is necessary, that in Duma was not less than 250 deputies with anticommunist orientation, and then the basic laws such, as about ground, about protection of a private property, about protection of freedom of business, about the judiciary reform, about punishment of criminal elements from the law-enforcement agencies will be accepted. At last, light will appear at the end of an eight-ten years' red tunnel. After victory of democracy it will be possible and to speak about choices of the new President of Russia. Now to lift this question is simply silly. And about the present President I shall tell: what he would not be, but he personifies poorly any colour of democracy, that is he is the defence attorney of a transitory period. And if our people will manage to understand a situation and will make a correct conclusion in December, then we is accelerated we shall go on a path of development of the democratic, civilized, legal, conservative state.

At the end of the interview I shall remind the words of Tetcher: " In Britain " conservative " means that we preserve all best, that to us remains from the past, - best values, principles, parting word, for not everything, that approached our parents, can approach and our children ".

I am addressed to the Russians: if you do not want to live, as the last 80 years lived, vote for us, conservatives with a name of Lev Ubozhko, as we think about necessity of native born changes for company, which can carry out only people, clear neither last and nor present authority.

Vote for "Conservative movement of Russia", costing under № 1 in the voting slip.

R.I. - Lev Grigorjevich, in summary I wish to you strong health, inexhaustible energy and courage in struggle for free Russia.

November 28, 1999

The declaration of "Conservative party of Russia"

A Press-sheet of "Conservative party of Russia"

Our books
The book "Lenin, the file without a retouch", written (1971-2002) oustanding scientist-historian A.A.Arutyunov.

The book "My struggle against red fascism" the written L.G.Ubozhko.

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It is registered in the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation on December, 25, 2001
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